Saturday, August 15, 2015

Crazy solutions 1: Dishes and laundry ( third world edition)

So this is my Laundry pile.

I have no washing machine, and a bad back. So I decided to do my washing in bed.

Tip 1: Use extra towels to prevent sleeping in a very large wet spot.

Step 1: Suck up the pain and fill a 20litre bucket with warm water and laundry detergent ( unless you have a house elf)

Step 2: Find at least two other large mixing bowls and a smaller washtub to keep at hand

Step 3: Dunk a bunch of your underwear, shirts and pants ( half of you ugly-but-comfy wardrobe stuff, half wear-it-out-the-house stuff) and pillow covers and/or a sheet.

Step 4: Dunk with a stuck for 3 minutes. Allow to stand for half an hour, dunking from time to time.

Step 5: Actually scrub armpits, crotches and stains. When water is gray, wrong out some and move to another tub. Then toss out the water.

Step 6: Take a fucking nap. You're probably wasted. Have you had your meds and eaten? If not, figure out some food ( cheese on toast is a valid solution, or some nice healthy cereals or salad), take your meds and set an alarm for an hour or two from now.

Step 7: Wake up, make a cup of tea and watch Key and Peele for 20 minutes.

Step 8: Fill up that fucking tub, again. Park the smaller tub on your lap again and dunk your items in the water. That's first rinse. Add bleach to this rinse if the clothes are really honky.

Step 9: Wring it all out again, preferably with help.  If you stop being able to move your arms just move that crao off your bed and take another nap.

Step 10: Three rinses, one with bleach, one with plain warm water and one with softner does the job.

If it's raining, just hang it out anyway. It wil stop someday, right? But set an alarm to check every half day if that's happened yet.



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